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Posted on Tue Sep 28th, 2021 @ 5:56pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Lord Myles Lannister & Ser Brandon Redwyne & Lord Aenar Velaryon & Ser Stevron Velaryon & Lady Shireen Velaryon & Lady Daena Celtigar & Lady Myrcella Lannister & Lady Myrielle Lannister & Lady Lynora Lannister & Lyle Lannister & Steffon Lannister & High Septon & Lord Garth Blackwater & Lord Jonah Tully & Ser Renn Baratheon & Queen Joanna Velaryon & Lord Brannis Baratheon & Lady Lileander Baratheon

Mission: The Iron Price
Location: Sept of Recollection
Timeline: Mid-Morning, 10th Day of the 12nd Moon,404 AC

The central hall of the Great Sept seemed different than it had during the funeral of King Waynn, somehow brighter. This occasion was much more joyous. It wasn't everyday that the Sept was host to a coronation. Despite being executed rather quickly, the celebration was still a regal affair to behold. One fit to mark the beginning of a new royal dynasty.

The streets of King's Landing were lined with small folk wanting to catch a glimpse of the new King.

Inside the Sept, banners emblazoned with the Velaryon seahorse were hung near the entrance, though these were not the traditional banner off the ancient house, these were crowned seahorses to depict the house's new elevation as the ruling house of the Realm.

The High Septon made rounds greeting the various courtiers as they entered or found their places. In addition to his High Holiness, a number of other Septons, Septas, Most Devout, and other Holy brothers and sisters were among the gathered.

Spots were left empty for the members of the King's Small Council and his family toward the front of the swelling crowd.

Lady Shireen clutched the arm of her youngest grandson Aenar, who had arrived in Kings Landing the previous day. The Velaryon's entered and took their place at the front of the crowd.

"Lady Shireen. " The High Septon approached. "Seven Blessings."

"Seven Blessings your Holiness." Shireen said, smiling warmly at the older man. "May I introduce my other grandson, Aenar."

"Seven Blessings Ser."

Aenar bowed at the neck. "And to you."

Brannis Baratheon studied the golden glint of his new livery on his chest- that of Master of Ships. He would have preferred Master of Coin but he supposed Ships would rake in a steady profit. And he could apply his family's eye for engineering quality to the Imperial fleet. Which did not come cheaply. He stood, looking broad, tall and Baratheon strong, watching the proceedings from the dais for the Small Council. His eyes tracked to the young and lovely ladies of the court.

Renn, meanwhile, escorted his mother to their place, but first to the High septon. Both wore Baratheon gold and black, with a sash of Velaryon colors.

"Seven Blessings Lady Baratheon, may the Gods look down mercifully on your Lord Husband, I understand he hasn't been well." The High Septon bowed at the neck.

Lileander lowered herself in a bow and took the High Septon's ancient hands, "Thank you, Eminence," she said humbly. Renn bowed with deep respect at the man.

"Eminence," he said with a rumble.

Both Jon and Jevan stepped in behind the Baratheons. Jon was wearing the same outfit as he had worn to the funeral, but added Crossroads to his hip. "High Septon." Jon greeted.

"My Lord." The High Septon looked concerned that he might say the wrong thing if he were to comment on the Great Council, so he simply bowed his head.

Grand Maester Othro entered in his way. He was a learned man but a simple one, never quite at home at such grand ceremonies. He bowed his head to the High Septon. "Your High Holiness."

The Hand of the King spoke with guests on the other side of the Sept, answering questions, directing pages, and exchanging pleasantries with those around him. His granddaughter, Celyse, at his side the entire time, a gleaming smile on her face. He watched as the High Septon greeted those who entered, but he had his mind on the technical aspects of this service rather than social or religious. He couldn't help but notice, however, that only Arron Martell had come from his Kingdom and every other Dornishman seemed, he supposed, to have lost their invitations.

As the last few stragglers found their way in the heavy doors were closed and the High Septon approached the Altar of the Father and raised his hands to silence the the murmur that filled the room. "The Father Above has blessed us with such an opportunity to join together today to celebrated the Gods anointing of our new King. " His words resounded off the walls of the Sept and the doors parted open. The sounds of cheers from the street below filtered through the open door along with the mid morning sun that cast a silhouette of Aethan, making his entrance that much more a dramatic spectacle to be remembered for years to come.

The silver haired man began his stride through the sept. As he passed, Lords and Ladies bowed low, some even bending the knee.

Jon stood and bowed for the King. He had bent his knee before and did not feel the need to. If the young King wanted a bent knee every time he walked by he would have to demand it from the Riverlord, and in turn face the ridicule of such a petty demand. This would be worth the potential look he might get.

Aethan wore a gleaming silver armour that bore the Seahorse sigil of House Velaryon , though this one was crowned, intricately and expertly hammered on the breastplate. This resembled that of his late father, Syraes. He wore a a dark teal cape fastened to his armour that looked like a delicate fall of seawater trailing behind him as he walked towards the High Septon. It was almost as though he felt transformed with every step he took towards the altar. As though the God's were transforming him.

The High Septon looked upon the young king as he approached. Behind him, seven members of the Most Devout assembled. Each coming forth from the altars of the Seven with a small bottle clutches in their hands. One by one the Septons poured the contents of their small bottles into a gilded chalice behind his High Holiness. Aethan lowered himself to kneel on a tufted stool before the High Septon.

"In the light of the Seven do you, Aethan of House Velaryon, swear and solemnly promise to rule and govern justly?" The High Septon asked, his voice resounding off the stone walls of the chamber.

"I swear and solemnly promise it." Aethan responded.

"Will you, to the utmost of your power strive to uphold the Laws of Gods and men and to protect the doctrines of the Faith?" His High Holiness asked.

"I will." Aethan responded, looking up at the statue of the Father.

The High Septon turned a retrieved the gilded chalice. He kissed the chalice and then dipped two fingers in its contents. "The Seven oils, blessed by the Father, the Mother, the Warrior, the Smith, the Maiden, the Crone, and the Stranger. Together be anointed in their light." He removed his fingers and took Aethan's hand. "Be thy hand anointed by the Seven. " The slid his oiled fingers across Aethan's palm.

The Septon dipped his fingers again. "Be thy breast anointed by the Seven." His fingers fell upon the breastplate of Aethan's armour.

Once again, the Septon's fingers reached into the cup. "Be thy head anointed by the Seven." He finger trembled slightly as they reached Aethan's forehead.

Being anointed before the Gods was a transforming experience for Aethan. His chest felt light, his head high.

A Holy Brother stepped forward, carrying Aethan's chosen crow on a blue velvet pillow. The High Septon picked up the crown and held it as high as his age would allow. "By the grace of the Seven, I name you Aethan of the House Velaryon. The First of His Name. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." He lowered the crown onto Aethan's platinum head. "Rise now, changed before the Gods. A simple man no longer, but a King of men."

Aethan rose, the platinum crown atop his head. The High Septon moved difficultly into a low bow before the anointed King. The members of the Most Devout, and the other members of the Faith present followed suit.

Aethan turned to face the room. He had nearly forgotten that so many people were present and had watched the very holy ceremony.

Garth felt within himself a sense of accomplishment , seeing the King of his choosing crowned in front of his eyes. Not many older people found such success in their later years, but he had been blessed. He gave several meaningful nods, including one to the King when it seemed he was being looked at.

“All hail King Aethan; Long may he reign!” Garth announced.

"Long may he reign!" A response echoed about the room.

The Baratheons had risen and applauded in turn, mirroring the calls of long may Aethan reign. Renn watched the new King in his gleamed platinum crown and, with a turn of a melancholic smile into a cheek, he hoped it would be a peaceful reign.

The newly anointed King stepped down from the altar of the Father and began a slow procession through the Sept. His dark teal cape followed this water with every step he took. The doors were parted by two Holy Brothers and sunlight poured in. Aethan move through the doors, the sun reflecting off his armour and the crown that perched atop his head.

Below the Sept steps, the small folk erupted with cheers and applause. It was almost as if they were seeing the gods embodied before them.


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