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Decision to Strike

Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2022 @ 8:42pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Lord Myles Lannister & Ser Stevron Velaryon & Lord Jonah Tully & Lord Garth Blackwater & Ser Renn Baratheon & Queen Joanna Velaryon & Lord Brannis Baratheon & Grand Maester Othro

Mission: The Iron Price
Location: Library, Red Keep
Timeline: 11th Day of the 12th Moon, 404AC, Afternoon

The library in the Red Keep was a good place to find a distraction, while also finding reference material that would help with strategy for the ongoing military engagement. It was as if Aethan, who had never been an anointed knight, now lived his life in armour. It made him feel like an imposter, like he was an actor playing a part. In truth, he felt unworthy of representing himself in this way.

There was solace in knowing that Joanna was safe, and that he had his fawn near to him.

The reports were pouring in of coastal raids. For the moment, this myopic moment, it seemed like the Ironborn had set the whole of the Crownlands alight, while piecemeal reports of strikes on other Westerosi holdings were trickling in: Seagard was sacked and it's surrounding territory was burnt. The story was the same in each; it was becoming a common theme: everything set on fire, every living thing slaughtered: man, woman, child, animal. Some of the stories were truly gruesome- lighthouse keepers and their families on the north shore of Driftmark had been locked inside their edifice and the entire thing set aflame.

Renn shifted pieces of copper and gold from Driftmark into Blackwater Bay, and then more pertaining to other fleets. He eyed the last-known locations of the Baratheon fleets- one from Braavos and one set to sail from Storm's End and the Parchments. The thin one straightened. Like his King, Renn wore a truncated version of his armor.

His hand shifted and bumped next to his King's. "My King..." he said with gentleness. "I think for the moment, we have everything up to date." Yet Renn glanced at the door and waited for another Maester or Maester in Training to burst through the door for yet another report. Though Aethan felt a charlatan in his armor, Renn found him fetching. He knew Aethan was not a man of war. But it was comforting to know he had some protection.

"I've asked that Lady Joanna and the Small Council join us here. I thought we should all touch base before Lord Garth and company depart to join the western armies." Aethan said, allowing his hand to linger alongside Renn's.

Renn nodded once. With that news, he didn't dare linger his hand long. He glanced at the King a long glance until the doors to the Library were opened.

Walking rather slowly, Myles Lannister entered the well-stocked library with Ser Stevron next you him. "Your Grace." he said stopping short of chair. He lowered his head and sat. Stevron followed suit.

As those of greater rank than his entered, Renn Baratheon stepped back and assumed his position of Kingsguard. His eyes followed each member in turn- those that looked at him got a nod of respect, the acknowledgment that each was due.

Jon walked into the room. His left arm was sporting a fresh bandage where a sword had slipped between the joints of his plate. jon had changed out of his armour and gambeso back into his court clothes. His sword was at his hip and would be until peace was restored. He stopped at the door, turning to Renn. "Ser Renn, how are you doing?" He asked quietly, checking in on the young knight.

Renn nodded, "Well enough Lord Tully, and you?" They had both been injured, but not so undone that they couldn't keep fighting. Renn's own wound was dressed yet obscure by the plate and chain on his side. The seasoned older knight and Lord had fared better than many a fallen guardsman and personal retainer. Renn wondered if Jon too was startled by the intense, sometimes frothing savagery that their opponents had met them with. And how did they keep fighting with such wounds that would down a sane man?

"It hurts like all hells." Jon chuckled, "But it's nothing I've not felt before. I must say however, I haven't fought men as drunk on bloodlust that they could ignore tripping over their own bowels before. That was something special. You have my thanks for saving me from that blaggard. I've fought the Ironborn before, but never this ferociously." Jon looked over at the King and studied him before turning back to Renn and lowering his voice, "How is the king handling this rebellion?"

Renn shook his head, "The King hasn't told me his feelings on that matter, My Lord Tully." Renn too glanced at the King, "But that is not the face of a man who will sleep tonight." He had never fought an Ironborn before- and Renn too had found these so utterly savage, so beyond any notion of compassion or mercy, that it felt more like fighting a cunning beast than a man.

Jon nodded in understanding and agreement. He clasped the young knight's upper arm as a show of support. "Every man must face conflict in his time, I'm sure our new King will weather this storm. I suspect he's made from stern stuff." and stepped away from Renn and stepped to the king.

By pure coincidence, Lady Joanna and Grand Maester Othro entered at the same time, having come across one another in the corridor. Joanna walked with a slight limp. She walked over to Aethan and briefly squeezed his hand before looking around the room. She was the only woman there though that wasn't unusual for her. "Half the guard I had with me in the city is dead. Ser Luthor was wounded. I have sent a raven to my cousin Ser Uthor Flowers to take command of the Hightower forces and await the command of Your Grace or Lord Blackwater. I hope that command..." She took a deep breath. "The Greyjoys should pay a price in blood for this."

"You are distraught, my lady, but not wrong," Othro said and then looked to the King. "Your Grace, I believe that we should send ravens to every lord of the Iron Islands, declaring the Greyjoys traitors and oathbreakers, reminding them of their duty to the Throne, and offering a generous reward for the head of any lord currently in open rebellion against Your Grace and more for the head of any member of House Greyjoy."

"Grand Maester will you draft that order now?" Aethan said, nodding as his councillors entered. He tried to offer Joanna a warm smile to give her some comfort.

"At once, Your Grace," Othro said, stepping back out to set about his work.

The doors to the library parted and the tired Lord of Highgarden limped in, cane in hand. He looked slightly out of breathe as he lowered himself into a seat with a grumble. Exhaling sharply and offering an affirmative nod, he addressed the King and all present.

Brannis swept within the Library chambers, his normal charm a mix of dark brooding, "They have sacked our Manse, brother," he reported coldly, "Our Mother is missing," And Brannis looked at old Lord Garth Blackwater with a hurting nod, "And much of the manse is burned. I have sent the Stag Guard to chase them into the Kingswood."

The King stood to address the gathered. "Now that we're all here, I wanted to thank you all for your quick thinking and action in protecting the city during the treacherous attacks carried out by members of House Greyjoy and their followers." Aethan looked around, pride filled him. "Pass my thanks along to all your men." He paused and looked at the map on the table before him. "This will serve as my official call to my Wardens of the North, South, and West. We will send our armies to the Iron Islands and take down the treasonous traitors that occupy those stone piles."

"Your Grace, my Lords, the ravens are sent and the navies of the Reach are gathering for a full-on assault of the Iron Islands. I also have confirmation from Lord Lannister that his forces are also gathering to meet us on the journey." Lord Garth said, his breathing more steady now. "We shall remind the Ironborn that Your Grace has allies who are powerful and determined to support you."

"Thank you Lord Garth." Aethan looked towards his Master of Whisperers. "Have we heard any whispers of where the Greyjoys have retreated?" He asked.

"Sporadic hearsay so far my King," Renn replied, swallowing down the rage and anxiety of his Brother's news. "They have landed in several fishing villages and put them to the torch. The Kingswood is alight," and the thin one indicated on the map of where the more likely ravens had come from. "Their general movement suggests south, southeast. Toward the waters off Storm's End."

If the young Martell was offended at having been preempted by the knight Ser Renn, he didn't show it. In fact, he rarely showed anything at all. In stead, he waited for him to finish and quietly gave his answer. "My reports say the same things. They seem to wish to challenge the wellbeing of the Stormlands and, perhaps, Dorne after. There is nothing to be gained from their raids and they take very little, but they seem to want only to spread fear of themselves and mistrust of you."

Aethan nodded. "Lord Brannis, you and Ser Stevron will take the remains of the Royal Fleet to give pursuit and offer aid to any affected areas. We couldn't protect them from the attack, but we will be sure to help them with their needs."

The Baratheon bowed, "Of course my King. I will go at once." He met eyes with Stevron.

Stevron stood and bowed as he followed Brannis. He had heard the Stormlander's earlier declaration of his mother's whereabouts and feared that the Master of Ships' mind would be preoccupied on the personal goal of retrieving Lady Lileander from her captors. He also knew, as he walked from the library, that many of those gathered blamed him for the Greyjoy rebellion.

"My Lords, as we begin to move on the Iron Islands I want it to be clear, I do not hold responsible the other houses of the islands. The Greyjoys made their choice, but the traitors do not speak for them all. "Aethan spoke with a cool even tone. "The Ironborn must be given an opportunity to declare for their King and pledge fealty to the crown. Judgement will not be passed until their loyalty is made clear."

"I think it shall be obvious, Your Grace, who is loyal and who is not. Those who follow the Greyjoys most closely...shall be with the Greyjoys." Garth said with a dismayed expression.

Aethan pursed his lips. "Have we any reports of houses that have assisted the Greyjoys so far?"

"Many of them, My King," Renn said quietly from behind. With Brannis gone, he stepped up. "Blacktyde, Wynch, Tawney..." he shook his head with a sense of exhaustion. "Sunderly... we saw many crests of Greyjoy banners."

"They will be given one chance to declare themselves for the His Grace, and those who choose not to will be treated as traitors like House Greyjoy." Lord Lannister spat, quite literally with spittle dripping from his lips.

"Lord Lannister is correct in what he suggests; we should not deal lightly with these traitors. They mean not to deal lightly with us. Your Grace, we should be swift to oppose those who are not overt and clear in their support of you in the Iron Islands when it comes to that." Garth said, looking from Myles to the King.

"Quite right." Aethan said with a curt nod from Lord Lannister to Lord Blackwater. The King stood, placing his hands on the tables edge. "We have our purposes. The Wardens will lead their armies on the Iron Islands, Kings Landing must be fortified and rebuilt, its people needs be taken care of. those are our priorities, and we must set to them." He dismissed his council.


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