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By Sea

Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2022 @ 8:42pm by Ser Brandon Redwyne & Lord Aenar Velaryon & Ser Stevron Velaryon & Lady Daena Celtigar & Lord Brannis Baratheon & Lord Omer Redwyne

Mission: The Iron Price
Location: Port Watch Offices, Kings Landing
Timeline: 11th Day of the 12th Moon, 404AC, Early Morning

Leaving the confines of the Red Keep, the appropriate ravens sent with help from the Grand Maester, the Lords in command of the naval powers of the Realm gathered together in the watch offices at the Keep's docks to make their plans.

"I hate giving orders by raven," Lord Omer muttered as he came in. "I'd like to be on the deck of my flagship when we bring these filthy traitors to heel."

His son, Brandon, followed close behind. He had a toothy smile. "I would rather like to be aboard a ship again as well."

Ser Stevron was truly in his element planning naval movements. "My nephew is down overseeing the preparations of the flotilla he brought from Driftmark to celebrate the Coronation, and I've asked that he see the remains of the royal fleet readied while we await our reinforcements."

Daena Celtigar looked like the walking dead without her typical made-up face and style hair. Though she rarely did all of that when she knew she'd be sailing, her current state was due to being roused from her sleep. "I sent a raven to Claw Isle, I've asked that they blockade any passage through."

Stevron nodded. "Since it seems the majority of their ships are no longer in the Bay, we may have to give chase."

"I think we should," Lord Redwyne agreed. "Perhaps I should change my orders. Instead of having the bulk of my fleet sail north to join us, they could fan out to seek to block entrance to the Summer Sea. Then the rest of our forces could sail south and we'd have them on both sides! Assuming they are returning the Iron Islands." A big assumption, though Omer seemed to think it obvious they would.

"Make it so." Stevron said. It wasn't his place per se to make such choices, but he had grown accustomed to doing so when he was Master of Ships. Now, his purview began and ended with the Royal Fleet. "Lord Redwyne has his ships blockade there, and the fleets from Driftmark and Claw Isle will be in the way of them fleeing east, provided they haven't a large head start." he looked toward Brannis for his input.

Lord Redwyne didn't seem in a mood to quibble over Ser Stevron's authority, especially as the other man had agreed with his plan. He simply nodded and bent over a table to hastily write out those orders on a piece of parchment which she rolled up and handed to an attendant. "To the ravenry," he ordered, before looking back to the other lords. His expression was focused. He had seen his share of the chaos. He aimed to make the Ironborn pay for it.

Brannis was pouring over what he knew, and glanced at Brandon Redwyne. Privately he had wanted to disagree with his compatriots. They had already greatly underestimated the zeal and ferocity of the Ironborn and it had cost much. And he feared a Westeros without the integrated might the Redwyne, Baratheon and Imperial fleets. Brannis adjusted himself and then leaned over the same table of information, "My brother Fionn has a fleet of ships here," he pointed north and east of the Blackwater Bay, "I have sent raven for him to consolidate our fleets for war." He gestured south, "My Uncle readies the Baratheon fleet at Estermont. And Lord Dondarrion rides to launch from Stonehelm." He gestured again in the south.

"Though our most recent reports have the Greyjoys moving away from the city by way of the Kingswood." Stevron pointed to map. "But the Greyjoys are seafarers, its only a matter of time before they take to the open water to try and make their escape. The Stormlord's fleets should be ready for that."


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