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The Hand

Posted on Tue Aug 10th, 2021 @ 3:16pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Lord Garth Blackwater & Ser Denestan Bulwer
Edited on on Mon Aug 30th, 2021 @ 3:01pm

Mission: The Iron Price
Location: Grapevine Estate
Timeline: Midday, 4th Day of the 12th Moon,404 AC

Having spoken with Lord Jonah, Aethan wanted to sit down with Lord Garth to discuss filling the other slots on his Small Council. With Ser Denestan in tow, Aethan set off for the Grapevine Estate to seek out his new Lord Hand officially.

The Blackwater's manse in Kings Landing was impressive, particularly in the daylight. The gardens specifically. "You're from the Reach aren't you Ser Denestan?" The King asked as they approached the gates.

"I am, Your Grace," Ser Denestan answered him. "From Blackcrown, on the north shore of the Whispering Sea. My father is a loyal bannerman of your intended."

There was a particular relief that washed over Aethan as they rose. Knowing that he was among friends, and not just those bound only by a vow but bound also by familial loyalty. “I am happy to hear that. Have you had the honour of meeting Lady Joanna yet?” He asked, genuinely curious.

"When I was young, Your Grace, in Oldtown," Ser Denestan replied.

“And…” Aethan inquired. “What did you think of her?”

"She is a fine woman, Your Grace," Ser Denestan said. "Very..." He struggled for a moment, as if unsure of his word choice. "More scholarly than I'm used to seeing in a lady. If she were a boy, I think they'd have sent her to the Citadel."

The young King nodded. “I couldn’t agree more.” The pair finally came upon the gate. “Her wisdom is what I treasure the most.” He said, watching as a guard approached them. “Tell Lord Blackwater his King is here to see him.”

The guard opened the gate immediately and ran ahead to inform the Lord of the House.

Lord Garth was sat in his study, a large room full of books and a beautifully crafted desk. On his desk and on end tables around the space were vases of bright red roses and other little reminders of his home. Before him were a series of well-kept tomes. Some stacked open before him and some stack closed on the desk beside. He was peering at a ledger, reading it line by line, his white whiskers jumping as his lips silently formed the words. He was so engrossed in his reading he didn't notice the door opening and the soldier scooting in.

"My Lord, I'm sorry to interrupt, but the King is here." he said, his heart clearly pounding.

The whisker jumping ceased as Lord Garth looked up from he ledger, his finger instinctively moving to save the line he was on. An expression of confusion crossed his face for a brief moment before it resolved into understanding.

"Well this King, unlike the last, seems capable of a surprise." he remarked blandly as he reached for his black cane which was topped, famously, with a gilded rose, and pulled himself up into a standing position. His dark green garment was inlaid with golden swirls. "Let us meet him on our feet."

After a slow journey from his office to the front door of his manse, Lord Garth emerged into the sunlit court decorated with flowered gardens which were the best-tended in the city. He offered to his King a small and courteous smile as he descended the few steps there and then offered a generous bow in place of going down on one knee, for he knew he would not be getting up again once down.

"Your Grace, you honour me with your visit. I know it isn't the first time you've been to the Grapevine Estate, but I'm pleased you've made it back." stated the Warden of the South with confidence that came with age and wisdom. "I was only just now looking over the financial ledgers of the Kingdoms for the last century."

He then turned to the man with him and offered a respectful nod of greeting.

"Ser Denestan; it is good to see you again. The last we spoke, I believe you were this high." Lord Garth remarked, gesturing at his side the height of a boy about five or six. "You have more hair now, I think."

"A bit more, my lord," Ser Denestan said with a polite bow.

Aethan watched as the two Reachmen enjoyed their pleasantries. “I wondered if we might sit and talk a moment?” He asked finally.

"Most certainly, your Grace. Most certainly." Lord Garth said, then turned on his heel and lead them back into his manse, stopping for just a moment to instruct a servant on bringing a picture of Royal Red, a vintage Garth made here it the city. It didn't surpass the Arbor Reds in boldness and quality, but it was light and sweet; perfect for the heat of the sun.

The three men entered a nearby sitting room which was decorated in blue and silver. Lord Garth indicated some well-appointed seating for his guests and lowered himself, with some difficulty, into one of them.

"Now, to what do I owe this sudden visit, your Grace?"

Aethan sat with ease. He regarded the older gentleman with a particular admiration, like he had for his father. "I wondered if we might discuss filling the other roles on the Small Council?"

Denestan did not sit, coming to a standing position just behind the king. He never quite relaxed.

"Of course, your Grace." Garth responded, watching one of his servants bring the wine and three goblets. His mind was filling with the possibilities he himself had considered for the Small Council even as his goblet was being filled. "I'm sure you have some ideas for the Council, Your Grace. How may I be of help?"

Of course Garth also had plans, but he found that speaking last was often the best way to secure the best political result.

"I have asked Lord Jonah Tully to sit on the council as Master of Coin." He paused to allow Lord Garth to give his opinion on that matter.

The King's Hand smiled and nodded, though he regretted the way this had happened within himself. Lord Tully coming to the Council was exactly as he would have it, but Garth had hoped it would have been by his advice. He had a lot to mend with Lord Jonnah after his switching sides in the election and now that would be harder.

"An excellent choice, Your Grace." he said with an approving nod. "Assuming he has agreed, you will come closer to making a friend of an enemy and hopefully to bring the Riverlands and Dorne together under your rule; if such a think can still be done. Have you thoughts on whom else should be invited?"

“I have considered my brother Aenar for Master of Ships. He is a capable young commander, and will be my heir until Lady Hightower and I conceive a natural heir.” He knew this suggestion might not be popular.

“Oh, well that is one option.” Garth started, avoiding speaking his lack of care for that choice. He wasn’t trying to be sycophantic, it was just in his nature to avoid giving direct advice. “But what is your plan then with the Greyjoy’s? I would assume they backed your claim for a reason that goes beyond judgement or loyalty. I assumed you’d offered them to be Master of Ships.”

"The Greyjoys have no place on the Small Council." Aethan said quickly. "My uncle Stevron courted their support. He may have taken a wide latitude with what he offered them, though I have no intention of holding up his deal, it is an issue that must be rectified sooner rather than later."

"I see." Lord Garth said, a look of subtle concern on his face. He was still sober of mind, and considering what this move said about the character of the new king. "The Greyjoys are not likely to take such an insult well, Your Grace. The sooner my appointment is made and I am given access to mechanisms of the state, the sooner I can search for an answer on what they are prepared to do in response."

Garth was not rushing the King and he had no desire to hurry things along for his own sake, but he counted potential conflict on the left and the right, which meant there was no time to waste.

"The Royal Fleet must be put on guard; spies must be sent out." Garth said, his mind clearly working before he flitted back to the subject upon which they had actually been talking. "Have you any plans regarding the Master of Whisperers for that matter, Your Grace?"

“I hadn’t given that post a great deal of thought.” Aethan admitted, though his mind stayed on the topic of the Ironborn. “Did you have a suggestion on that front?”

“Well, the second son of Prince Nymor, Arron I believe his name is, seems quite capable. Though he is very strange and..a Martell. He may be worthy of consideration. There are also some examples I can think of a few others from around the Kingdoms that may make good choices.”

Aethan sat in thought for a moment before speaking. "When I saw Lord Jonah he seemed to indicate that the Dornish might take your support of me in the second ballot quite personally, and Prince Nymor may want to enact revenge. Putting his son on the council would make it much easier for him to get to you wouldn't it?"

Garth gave a gentle smile below his whiskers.

"My decision in the Council has roused a considerable anger from the Prince, one that can be heard by anyone traveling beside his Manse, I'm told. He is large as a bear and strong, his first son all the stronger, and his second son strong in mind. I, on the other hand, am slow, and broken, and old, Your Grace. Arron Martell would not need to have access to the Tower of the Hand to do me harm." he responded. "But I have found, as a man grows old, that the fear of the end can grow or diminish very easily. For me, it has diminished. His place on the Small Council might save many lives in the long run by preventing war, or it could give him a chance to undermine your rule. It is a gamble, ser. It has very little to do with me."

Aethan nodded. "Your words are wise my Lord. I will take it under consideration." The King's head was reeling, trying to think of who would serve him the best and be the best for the realm as a whole. "I want to find Lord Myles Lannister a place. House Lannisters served my family well, and proved their loyalty, and I feel that should be rewarded."

"Yes, well, that makes sense." Garth responded, some unspoken annoyance running through his mind. His countrymen despised Dorne, but he envied the Westerlands, for he viewed Lord Lannister as able competition in wealth and status. He rarely gave voice to this competitive spirit and few knew, but they were now neck and neck for wealthiest man. "Master of Laws, or if you'd like, simply give him a seat without an office. He might serve as an advisor, which would give him more freedom to manage his own affairs and to be here when you require him."

it was at this point that Aethan wished he'd brought parchment to take notes. "It seems I have a great deal more to think about." He searched for his next point in his swimming mind. "Do you think the Grand Maester would take offence to my employing a few more Maesters in the Red Keep?"

“Yes.” Garth said with a smile. “Of course he will, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done. Might I ask what for, Your Grace?”

"I only mean to surround myself with a plethora of knowledge. Maesters of different specialities can offer more concise advice in their areas of expertise. " Aethan explained. "Many kings before have employed more than just the Grand Maester."

“It is wise to seek counsel, Your Grace.” Garth said with a nod. “I plan to have a Maester of two of my own with me in the Tower of the Hand. But I must warn that Maesters, for all their knowledge, may not know the most precious things of life; children, the heat of battle, and the love of a good woman. Their advice will want for something, oftentimes.”

The Lord of Highgarden cleared his throat.

“Speaking of family, my son Colin, whom you’ve met, is a skilled fighter and seeks after a place in your Kingsguard.”

Aethan nodded. "And he shall have it. Your role and that of your House in my ascension to the throne has not gone unnoticed." The young King pursed his lips. "Speaking of my Kingsguard, I'd like to fill the remaining spot with Ser Renn Baratheon, Lord Stonn's younger son."

“You honor me, Your Grace.” Garth said with a smile. “A son and a grandson to serve you all at once. You are far too kind.”

Part of Aethan believed the old man was merely flattering him with thanks, but another part found it genuine and endearing. "Have Ser Colin report to the Lord Commander by the end of day. Ser Thommas will see that he is properly outfitted ahead of my coronation. Speaking of which, I want to forgo a celebration feast and only observe the ceremonial rites. Save the expense for the royal wedding and the travel there and back."

“Of course, Your Grace. A wise and frugal decision. And, I think, it will make Lady Joanna very happy. Perhaps that is the wisest thing of all.” Lord Garth said with a belly laugh.

"I'll want to gather the council the day following tomorrow to get a start on affairs before the distractions of the coronation and the wedding take over. " The King spoke with a thoughtful tone. " I'll have a messenger deliver my finalized roster to you later today."

“I wait upon the news eagerly, Your Grace. I believe we shall do great things.” Garth said, massaging the end of his cane with his hands. This was not yet the difficult part for the King, nor for him, but ruling would be the real challenge.

The King stood and nodded to his guard. "I shall see you the day after next Lord Hand." He took his leave before the older man had a chance to struggle to his feet.


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