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A Request

Posted on Thu Aug 5th, 2021 @ 3:59pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Lord Jonah Tully & Ser Denestan Bulwer
Edited on on Mon Aug 30th, 2021 @ 3:00pm

Mission: The Iron Price
Location: Seasmoke Hold
Timeline: Early Morning, 4th Day of the 12th Moon, 404AC

In the very short time since the Council's decision had been made, Aethan began to see the ways in which his life had changed. Where he could once be alone with his thoughts he now saw members of his Kingsguard in his periphery. Over the course of his first night as King more messages than he could possibly keep up with arrived from various Lords and Ladies seeking audiences, offering words of congratulations, or vying for the new King's favour. But those would have to wait for the time being.

Before he had left the Dragonpits the day previous, Aethan had asked Lord Jonah to see him at Seasmoke Hold and now he awaited the Riverlords arrival.

With two guards in tow, Jon arrived at the Hold. He had quietly roused his household guard, as well as his uncle's guards. One might consider a private meeting with the new King to a very good thing. A time to curry favour, to get in the good graces of His Grace. On the other hand, it would also be a good moment to take out a strong political rival and attempt to further consolidate power. Now Jon did not think Aethan was such a man, but power changes people. And when new power finds its ways into the hands of some people it makes them act as if drunk. So nearly five score men at arm were put on alert to march with Ser Joffrey the Green if their lord would not return on the morning.

"The King requested my presence." Jon informed the Velaryon guards at the gate.

A Celtigar cousin, who was part of the Household guard nodded and unlatched the gate. "Follow me." He said leading the way through the silver lined door into the manse's entry hall and beyond to the open air great hall. There the King was seated , the men of the Kingsguard lined the room.

"Lord Jonah, I thank you for honouring my request." Aethan said, getting to his feet to greet the Lord of the Crossing.

From the entryway Jon eyed the scene. His hand almost slid tot he hilt of his sword, but he took the conscious effort to place both behind his back as he stepped in. "Your Grace." He greeted the King. "I am, after all, sworn to the Throne, so I could hardly refuse."

Aethan allowed the words to hang in the air in the air for a moment before speaking. “Please sit.”

Taking the seat that wasn't previously occupied, Jon sat down.

The young Velaryon resumed his seat. “Wine?” He asked, waving over a servant who had been standing silently near Ser Denestan Bulwer, who stood as silent as a stone as he watched his King and Lord Tully.


The servant poured two cups of a dark red liquid, an Arbor Red, and then returned to his spot.

Aethan raised his cup to his lips and took a short sip. The taste was deep and complex. “I know the council wasn’t swayed in your favour but I hoped I might call upon you to serve the Realm in another capacity?”

Jon studied the King as he took the wine, and then listened to the question before taking a sip himself. "That's a good wine." He commented, "What capacity would that be, Your Grace?"

“I have put considerable thought to the matter and I believe Master of Coin may be a natural fit.” The King took another sip. “How long have you been Lord of the Crossing?” He asked.

"I see." Jon noted, matching Aethan in drink. "I've ruled the Twins in person for around seventeen years now. Before that my mother ruled in my name for thirteen years."

Aethan nodded. “I think you’d make a capable Master of Coin, given the familiarity your taxation and commerce. It seems a natural fit.” The young king found himself fighting to convince the older Lord. Truth be told, he merely wanted to keep his former opponent close by.

"If you'd allow me, I'd like to ponder it, at least for the day. I could do good things here, but I have to be cognizant of my new duties as heir to Riverrun and the Riverlands."

Aethan paused a moment. "I want to have your answer before I speak with Lord Garth and discuss filling my Small Council." He lifted his glass and took a deep sip of wine again. "I understand that your duties as heir are important, but service to the Realm is the greatest honour I can imagine."

Jon looked through the glass goblet at the red liquid, swirling it around as he pondered. It was clear to him that the king would not give him the time he asked. For Jon it was best to return to his home, his strongholds. There he could focus on his lands, and the lands and men that would come under his control in the future. But the king was right, to serve on the Small Council was a rare offer indeed.

He finally made his decision, emptying the goblet in one fell pull before setting it back on the table. "Very well your Grace, I shall do as you request. I will aide you in managing the Realm's finances. I will answer only to you and your Hand, and none other, and I will share my advice and views when asked and when needed."

Aethan smiled. "I truly appreciate you taking on the role. " He reached out and tapped on the side of his glass goblet. "I am going to meet with Lord Garth today, he is going to serve as my Hand. I will ask that he make sure you get the financial ledgers to look over." He paused a moment. "Did you have any recommendations for the other roles on the Small Council? I will be asking Lord Garth as well."

"I would recommend your uncle as your Master of Ships. Otherwise, I would recommend not having Lord Garth as your Hand. Your crown, followed by Garth as Hand might just anger Nymor enough to do something rash." Jon answered honestly.

Aethan allowed the words to hang in the air for a moment. He hadn't really considered keeping his uncle Stevron on the Small Council. And he certainly had no intention of reneging on his word to Lord Garth. He instead chose to dress the comment about Prince Nymor. "Something rash? What sort of thing do you imagine he might do?" He suspected that the very thing the Dornish might do was discussed with Lord Jonah prior to the Council gathering.

"One could imagine that Dorne might just kill a couple hundred Reachmen. Garth had sworn for me, to me and also Nymor. There was a proposal named for Garth's granddaughter and Nymor's heir. Both agreements have been deemed null and void. That does not sit well with a man as prideful as my father in law."

Ser Denestan frowned and shifted ever so slightly, standing in silence with his brothers.

"You mean to say that the Dornish may be headed toward rebellion? or personal revenge against Lord Garth?" Aethan's head hurt already. The Great Council seemed to bring the lords of the Six Kingdoms together only to begin to divide the kingdoms themselves.

"Rebellion? I don't see Nymor being that hot headed. But a small personal war between Sunspear and Highgarden? I would not be surprised. I would speak with Nymor before he returns South. If only to see for yourself, and perhaps to soothe the anger inside Nymor Martell."

Aethan narrowed his eyes at the Riverlord. "You think that will do the trick?" He paused. "Do you think there is a place for the Dornish on the Council?"

"There's always the younger Martell boy, Arron I believe. He's the sneaky sort of Dornishman. He might serve well." Jon offered.

Nodding, Aethan finished his drink and set aside his cup. "I will have to make a point of visiting Prince Anymore this afternoon, after I meet with Lord Garth. " The King pushed his chair back. "Was there anything you wished to discuss, because I really should be getting ready to depart soon."

"Not as of yet, your Grace. With your permission I'll start hunting down the Royal Ledgers soon." Jon said, mirroring Aethan in his movement.

"Please do. I want to convene the council the day after tomorrow to get a start on affairs before the coronation and the royal wedding." Aethan began to step away from the table. "Until then." He turned and departed the Great Hall with Ser Denestan in tow.


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