Seven Blessings, And Welcome To The Crownlands.
After three hundred years of subjugation under Targaryen rule, rebellions, and numerous wars, life in the Six Kingdoms of Westeros settled into a new way of life under King Bran I, one of prosperity and learning.
Under his successor, King Waynn I, Westeros seems to have lost its way.
When the king passes away succession to the throne and rule of Westeros is once again unclear.

Latest Mission Posts
» Royal Wedding: Ceremony
Mission: To Oldtown, With Love
Posted on Mon Jan 30th, 2023 @ 8:44pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Lord Myles Lannister & Lord Aenar Velaryon & Lady Shireen Velaryon & Lady Lynora Lannister & Lady Myrielle Lannister & Lady Daena Celtigar & Lady Myrcella Lannister & Ser Russ Brune & Queen Joanna Velaryon
Joanna was more nervous than she expected as she was led down the aisle, wearing a cloak of orange, red, white, and grey and a flowing white gown which flattered her statuesque figure without being immodest. She kept her eyes forward and her chin high, focusing on Aethan as she…
» A Royal Wedding: Arrivals and Formations
Mission: To Oldtown, With Love
Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 1:30am by King Aethan Velaryon & Lord Myles Lannister & Lord Aenar Velaryon & Ser Stevron Velaryon & Lady Myrcella Lannister & Lady Shireen Velaryon & Lady Lynora Lannister & Lady Myrielle Lannister & High Septon & Ser Renn Baratheon & Ser Russ Brune & Queen Joanna Velaryon & Ser Alixander Hightower
The Starry Sept had stood for a thousand years before Aegon's Conquest and it's beauty persisted in the hundreds of years since. The dome of the Sept was rivalled only by the Sept of Recollection in King's Landing, but even that paled in comparison to the history and elaborate ornamentation…
» Hurried Investiture
Mission: To Oldtown, With Love
Posted on Sat Jan 14th, 2023 @ 10:30pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Ser Renn Baratheon & Ser Russ Brune & Ser Denestan Bulwer
The day after arriving at the Hightower, Aethan was awoken in the morning to the news that Ser Thommas Blackbush, Lord Commander of his Kingsguard, had passed in the night. The news was a shock to the young King as Ser Thommas was a man of only two and thirty…
» The Fate of the Vale
Mission: To Oldtown, With Love
Posted on Thu Nov 10th, 2022 @ 3:25am by
Lady Sharra sat the weirwood throne of the Eyrie. Her eyes were red but her face was otherwise hardened. She felt desperate. Cheated. The family gathered around her meant to be supportive. She knew that. But they felt an ever more oppressive wait on her. Ser Halys Arryn, the Knight…
» A Private Tour
Mission: To Oldtown, With Love
Posted on Mon Oct 31st, 2022 @ 6:14pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Ser Renn Baratheon & Queen Joanna Velaryon & Lady Arya Farman
Despite his fatigue, Aethan was far too eager to rest. He instead found himself consumed with memories of his past experiences at the Hightower, and eager to learn more now that he was old enough to appreciate the history. Having changed from his travelling clothes and into something more befitting…
Latest Personal Logs
» To the Lords of the Six Kingdoms
Posted on Wed Dec 9th, 2020 @ 8:42pm by Ser Stevron Velaryon
The Small Council solemnly announces that Waynn of the House Lyderly, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm has died peacefully, in his sleep.
While the kingdoms mourn, representatives of the…