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Heavy Is The Head

Posted on Mon Aug 23rd, 2021 @ 3:38pm by King Aethan Velaryon & Ser Stevron Velaryon & Lady Shireen Velaryon
Edited on on Mon Aug 30th, 2021 @ 3:01pm

Mission: The Iron Price
Location: The Red Keep
Timeline: Daybreak, 5th Day of the 12th Moon 404AC

Aethan watched the high walls of the Red Keep grow nearer and nearer as the wheelhouse wound through the streets of Kings Landing. Though the journey from Seasmoke Hold to the Red Keep was not a long one, a thick veil of anticipation hung over the Velaryon trio making the journey seem immeasurable in length. The heavy iron gates were parted by a pair of guards at the carriage's approach.

The new King was the first to exit into the rising sunlight as the wheelhouse came to a stop. Members of the Velaryon household guard, who had been following their King dismounted their horses and fell into formation to line the King's way. Aethan turned as his grandmother and uncle joined him in the courtyard.

"Let us only hope there's very little remnants of Waynn left in these halls." Shireeen feigned a shudder.

Sterven shook his head. He didn't like how his mother spoke ill of the dead so often. "The Great Hall is through here." He gestured towards one set of very tall doors.

Aethan led the way as a pair of guards pushed the doors open ahead of him with great strain on their faces. The young King walked with confidence through the atrium and into the throne room. All around him servants mulled about removing Lynderly iconography. Suddenly, Aethan’s eyes were drawn to it. The throne.

The imposing seat stood on a raised Dias with an impressive stained glass window behind it. Following the destruction of the Iron Throne in 305 AC, King Bran commissioned a new throne to serve as a symbol of the unity of the Realm. Woods from each of the Six Kingdoms were used in its construction. The carvings were ornate, showing major historical events in painstaking detail.

Climbing the steps, Aethan allowed his hand to fall of the seats arm and he let his fingers trace the carvings. For a while Awthan’s mind drifted. He thought again about the future ahead of him.

“Your Grace.” A middle aged woman, who was clearly a servant of some kind, curtsied quite low. “ The jeweller has arrived to discuss your crown.” She said with a hopeful smile. “May I show you to Gardens?”

Aethan nodded, becoming aware off the throngs of servants who moved about the room. They fastened and straightened banners emblazoned with the Velaryon seahorse, but crowned. His thoughts turned, thinking now of his own crown. And the one that would sit on Joanna’s head when they were finally married. “Yes, let’s not keep him waiting.” he said to the woman, gesturing for her to lead the way.

The gardens were an ideal setting. Where better to discuss something of beauty than surrounded by beauty. After exchanging pleasantries and introductions the Jeweller, who was originally from Mereen, and the new King sat together.

"As it happens Your Grace, I have brought a number of designs I think might please your eye. " The man spoke with only the slightest hint of a Mereenese accent as he had resided in King's Landing for the better part of his life. He stood and opened the lid of a small trunk and retrieved a few velvet wrapped pieces. "This is platinum ser, The design is mean to resemble waves. I thought perhaps sapphires might pair well." He took the first design from from its wrap and allowed the king to inspect it. I was asymmetrical with a movement to its ornamentation that did resemble water.

Aethan nodded. "It is an option." He gestured for more.

"This is made to resemble Aegon the Conquerors crown. Though not Valyrian Steel, the style is very true to its inspiration. Again this might pair well with sapphires, or perhaps even emeralds." The jeweller took another from its wrapping. This was a fine sight, much simpler but also a very strong facade. "I have another, that is more ornamental. Two seahorses facing one another, holding black pearls. Between the two creatures is a large blue-green sapphire." The third crown was placed before the King.

"It is rather feminine for may taste. " Aethan said. "But it would look lovely on the head of my future queen. "

The Jeweller bowed. "It would be the greatest honour for your queen to wear this crown." He had only one item left in his hands. "This last piece I've brought for Your Grace, is rather unvconventional." He uncovered it. "It is a circlet carved from obsidian, adorned with six sapphires."

The appearance of the final piece was breathtaking for Aethan to behold. He nodded. "Your work is very impressive ser."

"Thank you, Your Grace honours me deeply." The Jeweller bowed low.

"I will take this one," He touched the first, wave inspired crown, "For my coronation. The seahorse crown will for my future queen."

"Of course, I will have work on both completed immediately." The man smiled from ear to ear.

"I will also take the obsidian circlet. It's unparalleled in terms of its beauty." The King smiled now. "My coronation will be in five days time, and it seems you have work to complete. I thank you for coming all the way here today, and thank you for your service to the crown."

The Mereenese man bowed deeper than before. "Your Grace honours me with your patronage. I will have your selections delivered in three days time." He retrieved the crowns quickly, wrapping them again and returning them to the small trunk. Be picked up the trunk and bowed again before taking departing, Leaving the King alone with the beauty of the gardens.


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