Ser Colin Blackwater

Name Colin Blackwater

Position House Blackwater

Second Position Kingsguard

Rank Ser

Character Information

Gender Male
Race Reachman
Age 32
Home Kingdom The Reach

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Handsome and powerful, Colin is a picture of health and vigor.


House Blackwater
Father Lord Garth Blackwater
Mother Lady Elyse Blackwater
Brother(s) Lord Parmen Blackwater
Sister(s) Lady Paramount Lileander Baratheon of the Stormlands

Personality & Traits

General Overview Extraverted, altruistic, and dutiful, Colin is a dedicated night who believes in the tales of chivalry he was told as a boy. He hopes, one day, to have his name written in the white book of the Kingsguard.