Gannon Redwyne

Name Gannon Stannis Redwyne

Position Master of Whisperers

Character Information

Gender Male
Race First Men
Age 30
Home Kingdom The Reach

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 190
Hair Color Brownish red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description With reddish brown hair and piercing blue eyes, his body looks stocky. He is standing at about 6'. Gannon is a charming man with good looks. Gannon dresses for the best impression. Even casual clothes are always at the height of fashion not that he is seen out often in casual clothes. but he is always looking his best on all occasions. Gannon is physically fit but his clothing can sometimes make him look overweight. He keeps his hair and beard always trimmed and neat.


House Redwyne
Spouse None
Children None
Father Ser Stannis Redwyne
Mother Serina Redwyne
Brother(s) Aeren Redwyne (Deceased)
Sister(s) None
Other Family Uncle Lord Omer Redwyne
Cousin Ser Brandon Redwyne

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gannon When at court, Gannon dresses for the best impression. Even casual clothes are always at the height of fashion not that he is seen out often in casual clothes. His outward manner is subservient, mysterious, and easygoing. However, as a trained spy, he is a master of disguise and can alter his voice, gait, smell, and overall appearance, employing different wardrobes, make-up, and wigs, to become unrecognizable.

Secrets are Gannon's trade, and his skill at acquiring them has earned him a reputation for being seemingly all-knowing. Crucial to his trade is a spy. Gannon has an information network of people in Westeros and Essos. Gannon history of providing information to all sides, of his enemies, pitting rivals against one another, and manipulating to achieve his ends has earned him a reputation for being dangerous among the nobles at court. In private, however, he claims to value order, stability, and peace above all and professes loyalty to those who work for those goals as well. As the master of whisperers, he has the task of fostering division amongst the enemies of the Iron Throne and gathering information on all that happens in the realm.
Ambitions World domination of Commerce and its secrets.
Hobbies & Interests People's Secrets, Poetry, Art Paintings, Hunting, Wine, Markets, Alchemy, and sailing ships.

Personal History Gannon son of Ser Stannis Redwyne. Part of the Redwyne businesses, Redwyne Family has wineries, ships, and warehouses. Gannon eventually found himself traveling for five years while his father established more businesses, going back to Westeros where he worked his way up the ranks in the Redwyne family business and became a leader in Redwyne businesses 20 years later.

Gannon Redwyne was born in Westeros Arbor He was born into a highly wealthy merchant family. He traveled with his father all over the world both Westeros and Essos around the different Free Cities and places in Westeros like Lannisport, Gulltown, King's Landing, and Oldtown just to name a few.

Gannon's father made an offer Gannon couldn't refuse. He was to work for the family business as an intern that had been around since his grandfather's time some say his grandfather created it. Gannon did not know how difficult the training would be the long hours and traveling left little time to socialize.

Gannon’s drive is why he is so accomplished. Making deals and selling anything he could get his hands on or information he could get, doing anything to succeed. He also became an excellent Merchant and Sailer, but soon learned that information was often a far more valuable commodity than any physical goods, and he worked his way up to becoming one of the best Merchants in Westeros. Gannon started to spy and eventually founded an information network. Years later He became a master spy and information trafficker, and his influence and reputation grew. So great that his father Ser Stannis Redwyne heard of his skills and called him back home Gannon has now been gone 15 years.

As a young man, Gannon had hardly any reason to expect the level he would achieve in the Redwyne family business. Gannon's oldest brother and father were both skilled sailors and capable leaders of men. Things seemed secure enough for the oldest son to become Head of his family, growing in knowledge and further in the family business. Until tragically struck and his brother was killed at sea. Gannon was working in the north when he finally heard the news of his brother was gone. Gannon was 20 years old now. A master at getting information and spying on the Redwyne Business competitors. Gannon became a leader in the Redwyne business after he eliminated those who were not trustworthy. Gannon cleaned up the leadership of the Redwyne family business purging those who were not loyal to the Redwyne family. He left other family members in charge of running Redwyne Merchants in his absence when Gannon returned to King’s Landing.

These secrets and actions increased Gannon's wealth tenfold. In time Gannon became so infamous that word of his talents reached the ears of the Westeros King Waynn Hand. In his growing interest in trade information, the King’s Hand asks Gannon to King’s Landing. The King Hand and the Master of Whisperers asked Gannon to act as a spy in Westeros to watch certain Lords and knights and any enemy. Gannon's influence grew with the Hand of the King and at the time Master of Whisperers' Intrest in the information that Gannon had required. According to The King’s Hand, "The Lord's pots were quite Intriguing". Gannon was always quick to point out any traitors to The Hand of the King and Master of Whisperers might have missed.

He used the crown's gold he gained with his own to expand his information network. Gannon furthermore mastered the secret passages within the Red Keep. Gannon alerted King Waynn to the possibility that some in the Red Keep were being used by some Essos Masters. They were trying to use them and gain information about the king and his activities. Suddenly one after the other over a few months the Essos spies were dying of unknown causes. Now, After the Master of Whisperers under King Aethan following Aethan’s crowning he named a Dornish prince his Master of Whisperers. The Dornish were upset about the outcome of the Great Council placing Aethan as king, and it was viewed as an insult to them. Aethan hoped to placate the Dornish by placing their son on his council. Long story short, there was some plotting by the Dornish and he fled to Dorne. So the seat is vacant now. Gannon was asked to become Master of Whisperers After Gannon slipped a message to King Aethan he found it later in his clothing no one saw him put it there it was a mystery how he did it. Gannon continues his work for the King and Westeros and his own goals.